"rock & roll isn't even music really. It's a mistreating of instruments to get feelings over." ~Mark E. Smith
Gators 2025 BSR Newsroom
N.W.P..S.O.C. 2014
Break in Case of Emergency 2010
Josh’s Garage 2009
BSR Omaha 2013CIT 2009-2017BSR Toffia 2013Doris 2024InventoryGoing To Hell 2012Pickle Rick AM 2022Speed Trials JH 2019Supply Chain Issues 2023Taosburg 2023Cardboard City 2023Table Top Disco Balls 2024Bomb Shelter Radio Memphis 2013Holding It Down 2013BSR Mach 2 2011These Are My Friends 2014BSR Tenderlion 2012BSR Monster Truck 2017Touchdown Jesus 2012Lucille Valentine Tour 2016, 2017Wildone 66 USA 2018
Inspired by 1980s era arcade games, Josh Short has created a series of interactive driving simulators based on popular American mythologies about the road and our love/hate relationship with cars. Josh uses cast-off exercise equipment, hand-made banners, remote-controlled cars, surveillance cameras, and detritus found from the road to create a mechanical “Bricolage.”