Guided By Voices
(video shorts)
"rock & roll isn't even music really. It's a mistreating of instruments to get feelings over." ~Mark E. Smith
In the Summer of 2011, Joshua Short and Joel Stockdill was asked to build a Stronghold at the DiRosa Preserve as part of the Zombie Proof House exhibit. The Duo, decided to explore the concept of camouflage, built a survival shelter disguised as a plane crash. Made from found lumber, cardboard and old canvas billboards, the Stronghold: Fight or Flight contained some new features like a nitro-powered Rat Hunter vr.2, various surveillance tools, and a micro powered radio station. The crew also built a composting toilet/shrine to the Vulture Gods inside the gallery space.Stronghold #2 by Inka Hoots. from joshua Short on Vimeo.